Innovation Strategy

As a health authority in Newfoundland and Labrador, we want to provide the best possible care to our patients, clients and residents; however, we are challenged by growing health concerns and budgetary constraints. This requires us to think outside the box and to find creative solutions to improve patient outcomes and quality of care. An innovation strategy enables us to formally articulate a path to achieve our vision – one that positions us to harness innovation to improve patient care and to elevate Eastern Health as a leader in the Canadian health innovation sector.
This innovation strategy supports our organizational vision of Healthy People, Healthy Communities as the ultimate intent is to improve patient outcomes. While the full reach of this strategy is unknown, it is anticipated that it will be far and wide and that the resulting partnerships and innovations that emerge will help us reach our organizational goals in the areas of access, quality and safety, population health, healthy workplace, and sustainability, as outlined in our Strategic Plan.
Working together, we can achieve this vision for innovation within Eastern Health.
- to advance health-care services and programs in Eastern Health through the application of innovative solutions;
- to maximize health systems efficiencies and minimize associated costs by leveraging the innovation ecosystem to build partnerships and generate revenue; and
- to generate economic development in the province.
Our mission is to create a supportive environment that fosters innovation so that we may meet the expectations of our stakeholders:
- current and future patients, who depend on Eastern Heath for care, expect access to the best quality of care possible, in a timely manner;
- the broader health system, including health-care providers and health-care organizations, expect leadership, support and open collaboration as we create a health system of the future;
- the residents of the province expect appropriate, accountable use of resources; and,
- partners, who team up with us to improve health-care technologies, expect open, timely collaboration and adoption of the most promising technologies.
The four pillars of our innovation strategy are:
- Continued application of a value-based lens in decision-making
- Development of a Health Innovation Acceleration Centre
- Cultivation of an innovation culture
- Building local, national and international partnerships across and within the innovation ecosystem
Frequently Asked Questions
A list of frequently asked questions around innovation at Eastern Health has been compiled for greater clarity.