Research Proposals Approval Committee

The mandate of the Research Proposals Approval Committee (RPAC) is to review all research proposals that involve NL Health Services personnel, facilities, and/or resources, or that require access to data that is under NL Health Services custody or control, including personal information, personal health information and human biological specimens.

RPAC employs a resource-use lens to ensure that Nl Healthy Services is adequately compensated for its involvement in research and a privacy lens to ensure that appropriate data collection, use, disclosure, transfer, storage, retention and destruction processes are in place.

All research involving NL Health Services data or resources is required to have both Health Research Ethics Board (HREB) and RPAC approval. The RPAC committee meets bi-weekly to review applications approved by the HREB.

Following an application to RPAC, you may receive a short survey regarding your experience.  We would appreciate your feedback as it will help us to improve the organizational approval process.

If you have any questions regarding this process, please contact or call (709) 752-2214.

For more details, please download the following:

If you have any quetions, please contact us.

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Last updated: 2025-03-19